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Jours de Chasse
Jours de Chasse : A property under the microscope : A castle in Anjou
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Le Télégramme
The most emblematic castle in Brittany, Trécesson in Campénéac (Morbihan - 56), has just been sold by the Cabinet LE NAIL. A new family will continue the story that began in the 8th century and is full of legends and ghosts.
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1 pm news on TV
The 1:00 PM news on France 2 TV is interested in the numerous castles that attract new buyers who want to change their life. Discover this report (from the 15th minute) with the participation of Hervé de Maleissye from cabinet Le Nail. See more

Ouest France
Icelandic businessman, Sigurjon Jonsson is, with his partner Olga Galeja, the new owner of the castle of Rimaison, emblematic building located at the entrance of Pluvigner (Morbihan) sold by Le Nail. Meeting. See more

Press article : La Nouvelle République
Indre: the castle of Rivarennes bought by a Belgian couple See more

Châteaux are in demand! In Sarthe, these luxury properties are selling more and more since the health crisis. So much so that the offer has become "low", according to an estate agent specialising in "exceptional residences". See more

VIDEO : Smart Immo
Smart Immo : Gilane BARRET welcomes Gonzague LE NAIL, president of Cabinet Le Nail, to discuss the market for exceptional properties. See more

VIDEO : Arte Regards : castle life
TV programme : ARTE Regards : Gonzague Le Nail meets Canadian clients in search of the castle of their dreams and, in the company of the owner, Mr Henrys d'Aubigny, introduces them to the magnificent Château de l'Espinay. See more

VIDEO : B Smart: What are the developments in the second home market?
Smart Patrimoine welcomes Hervé de Maleissye, associate managing director of Cabinet Le Nail, to discuss the second home market. See more

VIDEO : Le Grand Talk: Real estate: who buys what in Touraine?
Le Grand Talk: Real estate: who buys what in Touraine?
Interview with Mr. Hervé du Teilleul, associate of Le Nail (Touraine Region)
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